Charging Station Place View history

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Charging station are point places in the Car services sub-category with the following properties:

  • Category: Car services > charging station
  • Name: {Provider} {Optional location information if restricted use} {"Laadstation" or "Station de recharge"}
    Examples: "Allego Laadstation", "Chargy Station de recharge", "EVBox The Bistronomy Laadstation"
  • Lock: 2, or as high as your own level
  • Address: add, if possible provide the house number
  • Opening hours: enter the hours for which the charging station is open. For public stations, this is usually 24/24 7/7.

Access Type: Public, Restricted or Private

Charging stations have an access type to indicate who can use these. Within the app, public chargers are shown to everybody, restricted chargers are marked differently (or can be filtered out) and private chargers are not shown. Therefore, it is of little use to map private chargers.

Public chargers are available for everybody to use in the street. They might require a certain subscription, or they may require you to pay a parking fee. As long as you don't need to be a customer at another venue nearby, we consider these chargers to be public.

Restricted chargers can only be used if you are a client of a nearby venue. Generally, this means that you will need to get a key, enter a certain password or drive through a gate to enter a private car park for that venue.

Point or Area

Charging stations are always mapped as a point place, as requested by Waze HQ.

With underplate

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