User:Glodenox/Waze Data Model View history

Revision as of 23:40, 10 March 2018 by Glodenox (talk | contribs) (Added node and street objects to the overview)
This information is not required to know how to work with the Waze Map Editor. This information might be useful if you plan on writing a userscript.
This is not an official version of the data model used in Waze. This model has been based on the information provided within the WME.

Graphical overview


Object descriptions

Several properties have been left out as these do not contribute to the understanding of the Waze object model.


Attribute Type Description
id integer identification number
geometry GeoJSON LineString geographical representation of the line describing this segment
fromNodeID, toNodeID integer reference to the node this segment is connected to at the start/end
virtualNodeIDs array[integer] list of references to nodes of walking segments connecting to this segment
primaryStreetID integer reference to the street set as primary name
streetIDs array[integer] list with references to alternative streets assigned to this segment
junctionID integer, optional reference to the junction this segment is a part of
fwdDirection, revDirection boolean whether or not this segment can be traversed in the forward/reverse direction
fwdMaxSpeed, revMaxSpeed integer, optional the speed limit in the forward/reverse direction on the segment
restrictions array[object], optional a list of restrictions for one or more vehicle types in one or more time periods
fwdToll, revToll boolean whether or not toll is levied in the forward/reverse direction of the segment
level integer indication of height compared to other segments (0 = Ground)
lockRank integer minimum level required for a user to modify this segment
roadType integer the type of road this segment describes (street, primary street, minor highway, major highway, ...)
routingRoadType integer, optional this attribute overrides the road type for navigation purposes
createdBy, updatedBy integer reference to the user who created/last updated this segment
createdOn, updatedOn integer timestamp indicating when this segment was created/last updated


Attribute Type Description
id integer identification number
geometry GeoJSON Point geographical representation of the line describing this node
segIDs array[integer] a list of segments that connect to this node
connections array[object] a list of allowed connections between segments containing:
  • the turn instruction override
  • whether the turn should be considered a difficult turn or not
  • the vehicle restrictions and/or time restrictions for that connection


Attribute Type Description
id integer identification number
name string name in local language
englishName string, optional alternative version of the street name in English
cityID integer, optional reference to the city of this street
signText string, optional text to show on a road badge