Plantilla:ReturnTo/doc Ver historial

La versión para imprimir ya no se admite y puede contener errores de representación. Actualiza los marcadores del navegador y utiliza en su lugar la función de impresión predeterminada del navegador.
This is a documentation subpage for Plantilla:ReturnTo.
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original plantilla page.


{{ReturnTo | link | (text) | (option)}}


This template display a return icon () with a text which links to any page mentioned in parameter 1. Optionally, a second parameter can be used to provide an alternate name for the return page that will be displayed in the text "Return to ..." beside the icon.

If no parameter specified, nothing is displayed.


notext = yes remove the text link and leave just the icon.

align = left/center/right allow to align the template on the left/center or right of the page. Default behavior is alignment to the right.


{{ReturnTo | Main}} displays

{{ReturnTo | Main | Main Page}} displays

{{ReturnTo | Main | Main Page | notext=yes}} displays

Return to Main Page

{{ReturnTo | Main | Main Page | align=center}} displays