User:Johnsninja58/Abbreviations View history

Enhance wording on the USA Abbreviations and Acronyms page regarding multiple abbreviations in a street name

Existing Page


Currently validators multiple abbreviations filter and that when/is it acceptable to be utilizing multiple abbreviations. The example on the wiki page is this ""Circuit Avenue Road" is abbreviated "Circuit Avenue Rd", not "Cct Ave Rd"." The over simplification here would confuse people, however there can be times where multiple abbreviations may be warranted and the page does not provide guidance and the implication is never to do multiple abbreviations.

Recommended Wording

"Occasionally it is appropriate to include multiple abbreviations in a street name where the core road name is not changed. Examples may include a compass direction for roads with north and south components, or extensions to a street in addition to the standard Rd or St abbreviation. Please refer to local leadership if there are any questions and guidance"