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Andere talen:

Area Manager

  • If you want to become an Area Manager (AM), you should be a Waze community member who wishes to take an active and proactive role in maintaining specific areas of the Waze map.
  • You have to request becoming an Area Manager
  • If your editor level isn't already 3, you will get this level with the AM title at once or after a short period.


  • Monitoring your area on road works and make changes to the map when road construction projects start and finish by maintaining new geometry, adding or deleting roads and disconnecting and re-connecting ramps.
  • Placing Closures on temporarily closed roads.
  • React on UR's
  • Process and resolve map errors/problems.
  • Maintain speed and red-light cameras and do everything else that leads to a maximum usable map in your area.
  • Act as a mentor to other editors, offering advice.
  • Take action when you see improper edits on the map.
  • and have an active role in the community by participating in Slack and on the forum.

See for the complete Dutch Waze career path the Community Levels page.

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