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 g Engels (en)<i>WME Geometries</i> is a [[Scripts|script]] that can load a geometry file and overlay it in the [[Waze Map Editor|WME]]. Simply go to the Areas tab on the left, and scroll down to the new controls that have been added.<br />
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[[File:wme-geometries-script.png|right|250px]]  The data format is detected automatically using the file extension, and the following formats are supported: GeoJSON, GML, WKT, KML and GPX.
 g Nederlands (nl)<i>WME Geometries</i> is a [[Scripts|script]] that can load a geometry file and overlay it in the [[Waze Map Editor|WME]]. Simply go to the Areas tab on the left, and scroll down to the new controls that have been added.<br />
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[[File:wme-geometries-script.png|right|250px]]  The data format is detected automatically using the file extension, and the following formats are supported: GeoJSON, GML, WKT, KML and GPX.