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Road Types

Why are road types required?

There are a dozen reasons for road types;

  1. Routing purposes
    • Higher road types i.e Minor Highway (mH), Major Highway (MH) and Freeway (FWY) are used to route Wazers through a long journey. Lower road types i.e. Street (St), Primary Street (PS) are often not used to route through longer journeys.
    • They are helpful in providing alternative routes to Wazers. For example, if in Islamabad a Wazer wants to go from Rawat to Faisal Mosque, he would be given the route through Islamabad Expressway however if it is jammed with traffic, Grand Trunk Rd may be used to provide an alternative faster route which it can determine from historical traffic data and Road Types.
  2. You may have noticed that when zoomed out in the Waze App you would only see FWY's and MH's. This is to reduce clutter on the screen and make the map easy to interpret.