Program Connected Citizens Wyświetl historię

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The Waze Connected Citizens program, also known as CCP brings cities and citizens together to answer the questions “What’s happening, and where?” We exchange publicly available incident and road closure reports, enabling our government partners to respond more immediately to accidents and congestion on their roads. In turn, we aggregate our partners' data on the Waze platform, resulting in one of the most succinct, thorough overviews of current road conditions today.

With the addition of city data, Wazers will be even safer on the roads and more knowledgeable about construction, marathons, floods or anything else that can cause delays. And for our government partners, publicly-available Waze data is a powerful tool to build more efficient cities. Real-time information from drivers is essential; no one knows more about what's happening in a city than the people who live there. In an era with smart phones, smart cars and smart homes, isn't it about time we start building smarter cities?


The mission of Waze Connected Citizens is to help Wazers, cities, and citizens collaborate to improve their community and answer the question "What's happening on our roads right now, and where?" The program promotes more efficient traffic monitoring by sharing crowdsourced incident reports from Waze drivers. Established as a two-way data share, Waze receives partner input such as feeds from road sensors, adds publicly available incident and road closure reports from the Waze traffic platform and returns one of the most succinct, thorough overviews of current road conditions today.

With the addition of city data, Wazers will be even safer on the roads and more knowledgeable about construction, marathons, floods or anything else that can cause delays. And for cities, real-time information from drivers is essential; no one knows more about what's happening in a city than the people who live there.

The Connected Citizens Program is an ongoing partnership between Waze and various international government agencies to share publicly-available data in order to accomplish two goals:

  • Improve the quality of the Waze App
  • Utilize Waze data to improve city planning, inform infrastructure decisions, and increase the efficiency of day-to-day operations

Waze exchanges publicly available incident and road closure reports, enabling our government partners to respond more immediately to accidents and congestion on their roads. In turn, Waze aggregates the partners' data on the Waze App platform, resulting in succinct and thorough overviews of current road conditions.

Existing Partners

The first ten partners in the program, called the “W10” by Waze, were:


The list of partners is world wide. Here are the current partners for the USA z October 2016

North America Partners

Jak dołączyć

Currently Waze offers data exchange programs with government entities and private road owners and operators. Please fill out the Waze Data Exchange Interest Form to share data with Waze and to apply for participation in Waze's Connected Citizens program.

Kto może dołączyć

Local Government Agencies, Municipalities, Cities, States, Departments of Transportation, Departments of Public Works, Utility Companies, 911 Emergency Dispatch Centers and Police Departments

Several qualifications:

  • Waze aims to work with partners who have additional sources of data, such as road closures, street cameras or road sensors, not found within the Waze app
  • Geographical diversity
  • Technical capability
  • Eagerness and readiness to innovate
  • Waze needs in the market (need more data or want to grow focus markets)