Minnesota/Community/Main Discussion View history

Revision as of 19:04, 22 April 2018 by Tinfoilhattie (talk | contribs) (Updated to include Discord link)
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Discord Server

If you are looking for unlocks, quick advice from area leads or simply want to connect with the local Minnesota editing community, consider joining us on our Discord Server. This chat app is available on desktop or phone and is the best way to keep up-to-date with your MN community.

Hangout Group

While it is no longer used as frequently, Minnesota also has a Google Hangout (GHO) for the state. This feed is connected to the Discord chat, so if you are unable to join above, you may choose to keep in touch through these means.

If you are editing in Minnesota and have not done so already, please Join Minnesota GHO

A list of the users in the hangout can be found here.

Hangouts is a free app available on Android and iOS devices. You also can use an extension in the Chrome Web Browser to access this chat. Go to: google.com/+/learnmore/hangouts for more information.

Once you join, Type !wb help in the GHO. This will get you started with Wazebot (wb); Wazebot will send you some help. In a DM (Direct Message or conversation) with the wazebot, type the following to set up your notifications by name and/or nickname. Wazebot will send you the instructions.

  1. !mentions
  2. !nickname

If some of the abbreviations and terms used are not clear, you can also use the wazebot to lookup terms for you. In a DM with wazebot, type !wb glossary [word] and the bot will send you some definitions.

If the notifications on your phone or computer get to be too much, in the WV GHO you can select the “3 dots” (circled in Blue), Select “Options” and turn off notifications if you do not want to be disturbed; Just uncheck the box.

Please do not modify/change any of the other options; they affect everyone.

Editor Lookup

We can lookup the activity of any editor by going to the following page for that editor: http://www.waze.com/user/editor/* , where * is the editor's username in Waze.

For example: http://www.waze.com/user/editor/GadgetJ