User:Johnsninja58/PNH View history

Place Name Harmonization (PNH)

The primary purpose of Place Name Harmonization is to provide a consistent and optimal user search experience in the app. The goal is to maximize the likelihood that a user will be able to quickly find what they are searching for, first in Instant results, then in full search. When a business is harmonized a standard (State, Region or National) is made for the primary name, alternative names if appropriate, descriptions, website link and other details as necessary.

A minimum of 5-10 locations is usually preferred before a business is harmonized. If a business is expected to grow beyond this number then early submission makes sense. 

The PNH process starts with map editors submitting a request for harmonization of a business. This submission is reviewed by regional moderators and can be made national if appropriate. Due to complexities of how businesses may operate in different regions, occasionally a businesses may have different nuances in each region. If you have a question about a business please feel free to contact your regional PNH moderator listed below. 

A wonderful script to help an editor streamline the PNH process is WMEPH

South Central Region (SCR - AR|LA|MS|OK|TX)

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Southwest Region (SWR - AZ|CA|CO|NM|NV|UT)

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Plains Region (PLN - IA|KS|MN|MO|NE|ND|SD)

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NorthWest Region (NWR - WA|OR|ID|MT|WY|AK)

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Great Lakes Region (GLR - IL|IN|MI|OH|WI)

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South Atlantic Region (SAT - KY|NC|SC|TN)

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Southeast Region (SER - FL|AL|GA)

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New England Region (NER - CT|ME|MA|NH|VT|RI)

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Northeast Region (NOR - DE|NY|NJ|PA)

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Mid Atlantic Region (MAR - DC|MD|VA|WV)

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Hawaii Region (HI)

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United States (US)


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Territories Region (ATR - AS|GU|MP|PR|VI)

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