User:Subs5/Roads to nowhere View history

Propose the following change to Roads to nowhere section (6.2) in the Junction Style Guide:


This section is obsolete. Previously it was used for the Temporary end of freeway. This may still be seen in the map editor, if the old method has not been updated. New guidance for a freeway under construction it is now to use either a Turn instruction override or put the future portion of the freeway in using the guidance from Scheduled reconfiguration page. If you find one of these road to nowhere, then update it to a TIO or put in the rest of the freeway using the scheduled reconfiguration guidance.


1) Fake dead end. A server glitch exists that causes some Local street segments to be considered a dead end even if parking lot road segment(s) continue from it. Changing a road segment that should be a Local street to a named Parking lot road can solve this problem. This method can still be used with Regional Coordinator/State Management permission. Please leave a Map comment explaining what is happening and why for other editors.

2) Big Detour Prevention (BDP). Used to have a continuation on a preexisting freeway but not the start of the highway.

3) Force a turn instruction. Using a fake road is obsolete to force a turn instruction where one would not normally be given in the application. If you find a fake road used to force a turn instruction, then remove it and use a Turn instruction override.