Removing excess nodes View history

Revision as of 08:37, 29 August 2021 by LostInMyMaps (talk | contribs) (→‎Remove excess geometry nodes: fix picture and add warning about scripts)
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This page is now a final draft and has entered a review period for feedback. This page will go live on 13 September 2021. Please discuss this page with your peers and leaders, and share your feedback with the community. If you spot any typos or errors, please feed them back to LostInMyMaps.

In line with our Revised Waze Editing Philosophy, our mapping standards have changed in 2020. For more information, see new technology, new mapping standards.

Unnecessary splits between segments forming junction nodes, and excess geometry nodes on an otherwise straight segment add further expense to the intelligence behind the snapper technology.

Remove unnecessary junction nodes

A junction node separates two segments from each other. This allows editors to apply different settings to each segment or connect multiple segments to form an intersection. Other essential junction nodes are found in three-segment loops.

Sometimes however, junction nodes that no longer serve a purpose are left on the map or are accidentally created by new editors, and should be cleaned up. Unnecessary junction nodes create an extra and unnecessary decision point in the snapper intelligence.

Some junction nodes get accidently left behind and would benefit from a clean up.

Remove excess geometry nodes

Geometry nodes are used to provide shape to segments. Some segments have unnecessary geometry nodes however. See the below example of a straight road that has many geometry nodes that do not provide value.

All editors should be very careful not to remove subtle geometry nodes used to align roads to their centre as discussed in Road alignment and angles. The use of scripts that automatically remove geometry nodes using it's own logic should not be used, as it cannot always determine the difference between excess and intentionally placed nodes to align the segment to the road.

Some geo-nodes just weren't meant to be.