Help to improve Waze Versionsgeschichte

Version vom 11. Jänner 2022, 12:29 Uhr von G1220k (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „===Improve the Waze wiki with your experience===“)

Drive around with Waze

The easiest way to improve Waze is to drive around with the application running. Whenever you move through traffic without being navigated, turn on the Waze app!
You don't have to do anything. Waze uses the information it receives from you to calculate average speeds for the streets you drive on. It also shapes the appearance of the streets, and Waze learns the directions of the streets and the turns that exist in reality.
However, in order for Waze to automatically update the map, it would take a lot of routes traveled. The more you drive your routes with Waze, the sooner the map will adapt to your routes.

  • If you later use Waze for your journey, you will benefit from better routes because Waze uses your collected data for it.
  • You don't have to take detours or arrange special trips. Waze will work best on your normal commuter routes.
  • With Waze you will automatically receive free road reports in real time. There may be traffic jams, traffic restrictions or other dangers that make it easier for you to choose your route safely.
  • If you drive in an area where there are no roads yet, you can record new ones through your Waze app.
  • The more Wazers there are, the better Waze works.
  • Encourage your friends, family, or work colleagues to use Waze.
  • Write a review in the iTunes App Store or Google Play.
  • Users Twitter, Facebook and Foursquare with Waze.
  • Promote Waze wherever you feel appropriate.

Improve and edit the map

  • The power of Waze is in your hands. You can fix bugs, edit the map and improve roads. Many wazers enjoy editing the map.
  • If you want to do more than just edit the map, become an area manager. This gives you more rights in the Waze map editor for the area you want to oversee.
  • Country-specific information can be found in the wiki on the page for your country. The country pages also contain important information on how to correctly name streets and places.

Use your language skills

  • Waze engages and supports many different countries and languages ​​around the world, but that also depends on your help.
  • The Waze application uses 1000+ words or phrases, all of which need to be translated into different languages. Some are completely translated, some only halfway, or some have not yet been translated. If you speak more than one language, you can also help with the translation. It is enough if you contribute a few sentences, you don't have to do everything on your own!
  • The wiki is visited by many people from all over the world who speak many languages. You may also want to help with the wiki translation for other countries.

Help others and support the Waze community

  • Join one or more Waze commuter groups.
  • Other users are always looking for solutions to problems or have questions in the discussion forum. Perhaps you will take on a role as a community leader and help others when questions arise. Visit the forum and share your experiences and knowledge with others. You can also benefit from the experiences of other users.

Make suggestions to make Waze better

There is the Uservoice website where you can make suggestions on how to improve the app and Waze in general. The community votes on proposals, and what gets the most votes is of course also checked by the Waze staff. Please make sure beforehand that your topic has not already been suggested.

Update the wiki

Are you a very experienced wazer?

Editing the map is an easy matter. But before you start contributing to the Waze Wiki, it is recommended that you have a lot of experience with Waze. It also takes a really good knowledge and understanding of Waze and the forums. Many details and relationships only become clear once you have extensive knowledge of Waze. Much of the topics and information dealt with in the forum cannot be found in the wiki straight away. Some of the information is constantly changing, and if you maintain the wiki pages, it is an advantage to read along daily. The English-speaking community is many times larger than the German-speaking one. Therefore, language proficiency is also an important aspect.

If you are a very experienced wazer and your [1]:

  • shows more than 25.000 map updates
  • 2500 driven Waze kilometers
  • 60.000 Waze points and
  • 100 forum posts

then you are very welcome to improve the wiki.

Improve the Waze wiki with your experience

  • Kannst Du es besser? Füge neue Informationen hinzu oder entferne veraltete Informationen. Klicke einfach auf Bearbeiten, um eine Seite oder einen Abschnitt zu verändern und lese hier, wenn Du Hilfe brauchst
  • Wenn Du hier im Wiki eine Information nicht findest, komm später zurück und füge die Infos hinzu, wenn Du die Information gefunden hast. Du hilfst damit dem nächsten Wazer, der diese Information sucht.
  • die erste Regel hier im Wiki lautet: Kühn zu sein. Spring rein und bringe Änderungen an. Andere Benutzer können Fehler auch wieder korrigieren. Also nur keine Angst und gib der Sache eine Chance!
  • Generell: Versuche Dich so klar und einfach wie möglich auszudrücken und füge nur Informationen hinzu, die das Wiki wirklich verbessern. Die Bearbeitung kann einzelne Abschnitte, wie auch ganze Seiten umfassen. Auch Korrekturen von Fehlern in Schrift und Grammatik sind von Vorteil, um das Verständnis zu fördern.
  • Du kannst das Ganze auch in der Sand Box testen. Die Sand-Box ist eine Test-Seite, wo Du deine Ideen testen kannst.
  • Du kannst auch diese Vorlage als Modell verwenden (Bitte die Vorlage selbst nicht verändern).
  • Betreuen des Wikis

Aktualisiere die Waze-App

  • Der Quellcode der App ist frei verfügbar und hier erhältlich. Kannst Du ihn verbessern? Übermittle deine Vorstellungen an Waze und vielleicht wird Dein Code imlpementiert.
  • Wenn Du vorher Deine Änderungen mit Waze besprechen willst, sende eine Mail an den Waze-Staff, bevor Du größere Änderungen vornimmst.
