Military domains View history

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Special editing rules apply for cartography that concerns a military area. For Waze, this shows itself mostly in the restrictions on vectorial data (roads and places), as well as limitations on mapping the purpose of places within such a domain.


Permanent roads wider than 1.5 meters can be mapped if this is deemed useful for navigation. Preferably, we only map the roads that visitors of the military complex get to experience, although this is not necessarily required. Because we don't want any routes through these road segments, these roads should always be private roads.


Buildings bigger than 9 m² can in theory be added to the map, but it makes little sense to add these to the Waze map, seeing that we're not allowed to map the functions of the buildings. For public installations, we can map the military domain itself (with category Military and its name) with an entry point set at the entrance of the domain. Any other places are usually not allowed in the marked areas.

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