Primary Street View history

Revision as of 09:58, 14 June 2020 by Moweez (talk | contribs) (distinguished Flanders and Wallonia instead of Belgium, as Brussels is separate)
We are currently updating the pages to include all regionally different guidelines. If you find inconsistencies, please refer to the English page. Thank you!
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 Primary Street 

The Primary Street (PS) is used for main roads in local areas, and as feeder roads to the highway network. Think of municipal streets with priority signs, or those large roads also used by public transport. The various regions use different ways of classification. If anything is unclear, just check with the community.

Naming examples
Street City Speed Lock



  • Vremdesteenweg, Wommelgem, Belgium
  • Rue Saint Martin, Tournai, Belgium
  • Rue de la Gare, Mersch, Luxembourg

Functional classification

Regional guidelines
Brussels Luxembourg
not (yet) defined not (yet) defined not (yet) defined

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