Penalidades no Roteamento Ver histórico

Revisão de 12h42min de 27 de março de 2023 por Hebermc (discussão | contribs) (Traduzindo...)

O servidor de rotas do Waze usa um sistema que penaliza rotas problemáticas. O tempo de rota é calculado utilizando dados históricos e de tempo real, a esse tempo são adicionados as penalidades através de tempo extra. Esse tempo de penalidade não afeta o horário estimado de chegada, no entanto a rota penalizada pode não ser oferecida como uma opção mesmo que seja a rota mais rápida, porque o tempo extra invisivel faz parecer que levará mais tempo que uma rota não penalizada.

Essas penalidades temporais podem ser pequenas (segundos) ou muito grandes (horas) dependendo da penalidade sendo aplicada. Esses valores são internos ao Waze e não serão compartilhados de forma pública.


Historicamente o roteamento do Waze foi feito para funcionar em dois ambientes muito diferentes ao mesmo tempo. Um utiliza informações de mapa que foram cuidadosamente corrigidos por um grupo de usuários dedicados. O outro usa informações de mapa importados de um banco de dados externo sem correções. Para suportar os dois sistemas o time de desenvolvimento do Waze decidiu usar um sistema de roteamento baseado em penalidades, Isto quer dizer que as propriedades

That means the various segment and junction node properties that restrict certain directions between segments were applied as a routing penalty. For example, a soft restricted turn indicated by a red turn restriction arrow and a purple question mark does not prohibit the turn, but rather it applies a high penalty to any route through the turn. Since this is the default state of any newly connected road, this penalty permits routing through new roads where no one has driven or edited them to give better data, where no nearby options exist with allowed turns. Hard restricted turns had an even higher penalty in the past, but as the map matured through editing, the Waze team decided to make hard restricted turns an absolute prohibition on routing.

Penalties have been used for other segment properties beyond restrictions, and they have also been used for certain road configurations. The list of penalized segment properties has grown with advances in user-configurable navigation settings. Penalized road configurations have been developed to provide a smarter routing experience for the growing user base.

Segment properties

The following segment properties cause routing penalties:

  • Soft restricted turn (red arrow with a purple question mark).
  • Soft allowed turn (green arrow with a purple question mark, much smaller penalty than soft restricted turns).
  • Difficult turn for users with "don't allow difficult turns" or "always avoid difficult intersections" selected in the app.
  • Unpaved road for users with "don't allow unpaved roads" selected in the app, or when segment length exceeds 984.25 ft (300 m) with "avoid long ones" selected.
  • Toll road for all users but much larger for users with "avoid toll roads" selected in the app.
  •  Via Expressa  for users with "avoid freeways" selected in the app.
  •  • • • • Balsa • • • •   for users with "avoid ferries" selected in the app.
  •  Estacionamento ,  Privada/Particular  and  Trilha 4x4, Off-road  (with different amounts) when transitioning from one of these three road types to a different road type but not when entering these three road types. This is discussed in detail in Private Installations.
  •  Rua estreita (beco)  for all vehicle types except motorcycle.


Note that avoidance of difficult turns and all unpaved roads is turned on by default for users, whereas avoidance of freeways, ferries and tolls is turned off by default.

Road configurations

Other routing penalties are based on road configurations.


Editing Routing penalties/Controlling U-turn penalties/Disabled

Segment too short to allow two left turns
Segment too short to allow two left turns

The specific details on configuration, and criteria for how this penalty previously operated are documented in the subpage on controlling U-turn penalties.


Ramps should prevent detour
Ramps should prevent detour

Waze penalizes some routes that leave a highway or freeway only to immediately return to the same freeway or highway. It also penalizes routes that use the same node or junction box twice or are especially "loopy." This is covered in more detail in Detour Prevention Mechanisms.

Extra segments and short segments

A small penalty is applied to routes with a large number of segments, especially short segments, at least when those segments have recently been created and don't have historical traffic data. The exact amount of this penalty is unclear, as is the effect of traffic data collected through these segments.

Preventing routes with certainty

The following conditions prevent routing and do not involve penalties:

  • Closure
  • Hard turn restriction
  • Time-based turn restriction, if conditions are met
  • Time-based segment restriction, if conditions are met (except for two-segment loops and routes ending and beginning on the same segment)
  • Wrong way direction through a one-way road (except for two-segment loops and routes ending and beginning on the same segment)
  • Non-drivable road types:  |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Ferrovia |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| ,  ⁃     ⁃        ⁃        ⁃        ⁃ Aterrisagem/Taxiamento ⁃        ⁃        ⁃        ⁃        ⁃  and the three pedestrian path types
  • Disconnection of one road from another
  • Deletion of a road

In the past, many of these conditions created penalties and could not prevent routing with certainty, so disconnection and deletion were necessary. This table explains the various uses and trade-offs of routing prevention methods.