User:Moweez/Editing/Roads View history

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Roads Without roads, no navigation. Drawing all roads in our map and connect them well is the first concern. On this page several aspects of roads are treated that add to a good navigation.

Adding roads

Indian cities have been growing rapidly, with lots of roads being made and connected to existing roads. If you notice any roads on the satellite layer that has not been added to the base map, please first confirm that they exist before adding them. Do NOT add any roads without either:

  1. Clear GPS tracks following the aerial when the GPS Points layer is turned on.
  2. Seeing the road in the Street View feature, where that's available.
  3. Local knowledge, or confirmation by a local host.

If you doubt an existing road is drivable, please DON'T delete them without prior discussion with the local area manager or one of the champs. And if you're extending an existing road, please ensure that you always verify that the road has been completed and properly connected before extending it.

If you turn on the GPS layer(link to explanation), you can see if the road has been driven on. If the layer doesn’t show any GPS arrows, it’s possible that the road hasn’t been opened for the public, or is just a road that has not been driven on by a Wazer yet.

On the left side of the image, running alongside the Yamuna Expressway, there is a service lane that hasn’t been driven on. Leave it like this. If you live in the region, pay the location a visit to see if the road is open and drivable.

How to add roads is described in the Quick Start Guide.

Road Types

Road type designations in Waze are determined by the physical layout and use of the road, not by the name of a road. Road types do not affect naming.

Some road type classifications are influenced by city size, traffic density, and regional conventions. For example, in a very large city a primary street may have three or more lanes in each direction on a divided road. While in a town of dirt roads, the only paved single lane street could be a primary street or even a highway if that is necessary for routing.

While editing the maps, you may notice that some of the roads are not labeled properly. This means, the road type might be wrong (a highway is marked as a street) or that one road has a few road types (a highway is marked as Freeway, highway and primary at different segments).

The importance of proper labeling is in two aspects:

  1. When viewing the map, the 'bigger' roads should appear at the far zoom levels. Without proper labels, the 'zoomed out' display can be very confusing.
  2. When planning a route, major roads will get priority over smaller roads.

Before you edit road types, be sure that you are completely familiar with the articles on:

General guidelines

  • The main roads in a district or town should at least be set to primary.
  • If segments will be used for through-going traffic or for longer distances connecting districts or towns, they should at least be mH (minor Highway)
  • Main interconnecting roads with fast traffic should ar least be MH (major Highway)

Always try to connect a road to a same level of road type or higher. Thus, Waze should be able to route from primary to primary (or higher), from minor to minor (or higher), from major to major (or higher), and from Freeway to Freeway. Another way of explaining this, is that you should be able to continuously drive on the same or higher type of segments for the routing engine to use that road type in the calculations.

The following convention should be followed where possible, although it is acknowledged that you may need to deviate from it in some circumstances.

Road Type Explanation
  • National Highways that are referenced in the map below (move map from Road types in Quick Start and in the end to the page on highways)
  • Highways appointed by local champs to enable long routes
  • Connecting roads to and from highways
  • Not for at grade "street" connectors or turn lanes
  • Yield an "Exit to ..." in TTS
  • Used to indicate the direction, starting with >. Multiple destinations need to be separated by a space, slash (/), space.
Example: "> New Delhi / Chandigarh", will be voiced as "Exit to New Delhi, Chandigarh")
 Major Highway (MH) 
  • Other National Highways (exception: inner roads within Indian Metro Cities)
  • Ring Roads around large cities
 Minor Highway (mH) 
  • All State Highways
  • Arterial Roads, and inner highway roads within Indian Metro Cities
  • Roads used for through-going traffic or for longer distances connecting towns or villages
 Primary Street (PS) 
  • Busy Roads within Cities, and/or Feeder Roads to Arterial Roads
  • Normal roads, publicly accessible
 Parking Lot Road 
  • Used for Petrol Stations, Car Parks
 Private Road 
  • Residential Roads, access is limited to a specific group of people. Private Road will not be use for thru-going traffic
 • • • • Ferry • • • •  
 Walking Trail  Avoid using -- can cause strange routing effects. Please discuss first
 Pedestrian Boardwalk  Not usually necessary
 Stairway  Not usually necessary
 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Railroad |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|  Elevation level as is. DO connect to drivable roads if they actually cross, and disallow turns to and from drivable roads
 Runway/Taxiway  ---

  custom style  

India Freeway network
India Freeway network

This means we sometimes need to make small roads mH, for the possibility of calculating long distance routing. Please discuss with the management if anything is unclear.

Concerning Non-Drivable roads: Most aren't worth adding, as Waze is an app aimed at commuters who drive. If you think they are necessary for navigation (like to orientate yourself), DO NOT connect these roads to drivable roads. Waze has been known to route people along walking trails and the like! There are few exceptions, please discuss with the management. Also Rail Roads should be connected, with turns to and from the drivable roads restricted (red). Elevation levels should be conform they are in reality.(>to separate page on non-drivables)

Road attributes

Directly under the road type are check boxes where you can specify some extra attributes.

Toll Road

Check this box (attribute) if the road is toll. We should mark segments only if:

  • there are toll booth or other devices for recording and charging tolls.

Don't check all segments of toll road except that meet the above condition. In the WME that roads have a blue line at them.



Locking Standard

As the map of India still needs a lot of improvement, we don't want to lock too much that could block starting editors. However, to ensure routing, especially over larger distances, we do use locks for some roads according to the table below. Roads that need more protection because of special situations (construction, complicated design, frequent editing errors) may be locked higher. Make sure to thoroughly check the routing in the live map, before you lock the roads.

If you need to edit a road above your lock level, ask an unlock or ask a higher level editor in one of the communication platforms to do the edit for you.

Road type Lock level
 Freeway  5
 Ramp  5
 Major Highway  4
 Minor Highway  3
 Primary Street  2
 Street  Auto (1)
 Parking Lot Road  Auto (1)
 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Railroad |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|  2
 • • • • Ferry • • • •   5
A stubbed road

In areas that still need a lot of work, try to make stubs to the roads: making a short low-level segment for each exit that a low-level editor can attach to.

Road Naming

The naming of the roads in India is quite a challenge. Many roads don't have a name or are referred to as the "Road from A to B". And if there are specific names, they are often duplicates, even withing one city. On top of that, there are many different languages/dialects in use.

Several aspects are important:

  • availbility
  • searchability
  • visibility/readability in the app
  • continuous routing
  • distinguishing unique addresses

All primary names should be in English, as one of the official languages in India. It makes Waze usable for all Indian people and tourists as well.

The following convention should be followed where possible, although it is acknowledged that you may need to deviate from it in some circumstance. In case of doubt, please consult with your Community.

Street naming

  • Enter official streetnames in the Primary name field.
  • Primary names should be in English
  • Use the abbreviations as stated in the table below
  • If a street has two or more names, we choose the shortest as the Primary name, and the other one goes in alternate name.

naming of highways:

  • highways are indicated by their number, if available, in the primary name field
  • Names are written as NH-XX, SH-XX, and AH-XX
  • all other necessary numbers go in alternate name
  • we use the numbers as they are on the map
  • we only use new road numbers if it is requested via UR. We then put the old number as alternate name
  • names indicating destinations go in alternate name (e.g., Mumbai Pune Highway), if a road number is available
  • only when a highway has a specific name in urban areas that is used in addresses, it can be in the primary name

In case of doubt, please consult with your Community.


The following abbreviations should be used where possible to conserve screen space.

Road Name Abbreviation TTS Expansion?
Avenue Ave Yes
Boulevard Blvd Yes
Drive Dr Yes
Junction J Yes
Lane Ln Yes
Place Pl Yes
Road Rd Yes
Street St Yes
National Highway NH requested
State Highway SH Yes
Asian Highway AH requested


  1. TTS = Text To Speech, used for the navigation voice

City naming

The City field should be used to specify the city, town or village for all the streets in urban areas. Rural roads that are in-between towns should be left without a city name.

Where possible, the simplest unique name should be used.

For very large cities with suburbs, then the neighbourhood should be used in the city name (-is this correct??). This is particularly important for generating useful traffic reports, especially when there are long arterial or ring roads that go through several parts of the city.

In short:

  • only in urban areas
  • use the simplest unique name (??)
  • add/change the city name only when you are absolutely sure of the name
  • otherwise, leave as is, or check the _None_ box

In case of doubt, please consult with your Community.

City Smudges

The editor will display the error message "The highlighted road is too far from the city it was added to" when attempting to add a duplicate name. This is to prevent smudges and means that a different name will need to be chosen for that town or village.

For problems with smudged cities, we are currently gathering several solutions and workarounds.

Junction Naming

Major junctions, particularly on Highways, should be labelled with a Place. Under no circumstances should the road name or city name fields of a segment be used for naming of a junction. Detailed information and examples have been moved to the Wiki page about Places.