Local Search

  • abbreviations as a section link. , For example, you can link to the Wayfinder listing using Glossary#WF or Glossary#Wayfinder If you link to a term or alias which...
    188 KB (939 words) - 14:25, 7 July 2022
  • like. Don't forget to save. Google Docs, Google Slides And Google forms are all supported. You can embed Google docs and slides both in editing state and...
    5 KB (740 words) - 00:52, 15 October 2020
  • png, jpg/jpeg, bmp, gif, ps, tiff Office and OpenOffice files: Documents (doc, docx, odt), presentations (ppt, pptx, odp), spreadshits (xls, xlsx, ods)...
    7 KB (966 words) - 00:51, 15 October 2020
  • used in conjunction with the {{LocalLink}} templates for each community. It is placed on a global page to link to the local pages on that topic. It requires
    created /doc subpages will use a lower case d. Use Special:PrefixIndex to enter the basepage name including the forward slash (/) in the search box. It will
    used in conjunction with the {{LocalLink}} templates for each community. It is placed on a global page to link to the local pages on that topic. It requires
    Template:Turkey (transclusion) ‎ (← links) Template:LocalLinkBox ‎ (← links) Template:LocalLinkBox/doc ‎ (← links) Template:Canada (transclusion) ‎ (← links)
    Template:Turkey (transclusion) ‎ (← links) Template:LocalLinkBox ‎ (← links) Template:LocalLinkBox/doc ‎ (← links) Template:Canada (transclusion) ‎ (← links)
    used in conjunction with the {{LocalLink}} templates for each community. It is placed on a global page to link to the local pages on that topic. It requires
    created /doc subpages will use a lower case d. Use Special:PrefixIndex to enter the basepage name including the forward slash (/) in the search box. It will
    used in conjunction with the {{LocalLink}} templates for each community. It is placed on a global page to link to the local pages on that topic. It requires
    Template:Turkey (transclusion) ‎ (← links) Template:LocalLinkBox ‎ (← links) Template:LocalLinkBox/doc ‎ (← links) Template:Canada (transclusion) ‎ (← links)
    Template:Turkey (transclusion) ‎ (← links) Template:LocalLinkBox ‎ (← links) Template:LocalLinkBox/doc ‎ (← links) Template:Canada (transclusion) ‎ (← links)