Aktualizace Zobrazit historii

Verze z 21. 10. 2015, 18:03, kterou vytvořil Bures (diskuse | příspěvky) (Vytvoření stránky (překlad z EN))
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Různé aktualizační procesy, které probíhají v systému Waze.

Aktualizace mapy

Změny v editoru se okamžitě nepromítají Mapě (Live Map) aní v aplikaci Waze. Aktualizace obvykle probíhá jednou denně, ale doba se může prodloužit i na několik dní.

Zpoždění kvůli problémům serveru

Níže uvedené časy předpokládají, že systém Waze funguje normálně. Většinou tomu tak je, ale servery vždy nefungují hladce a časy mohou být výrazně delší. Než začnete řešit problém, podívejte se na oficiální stránku Stav.

Aktualizace mapy

Po spuštění se aplikace Waze pokusí připojit k serverům Waze. Při selhání pokus neustále opakuje. Při odpojení od serverů má aplikace k dispozici dříve načtené mapové podklady ve své paměti. Aplikace se pokusí navrhnout trasu, která ale nebere v potaz skutečnou dopravní situaci.

Po připojení k serverům Waze dojde k případné aktualizaci mapy na plánované trase.

Informace o dopravě

Dopravní oznámení přichází do aplikace v reálném čase. Jedná se o rychlost provozu a hlášení nehod. Na základě těchto zpráv může Waze generovat novou trasu.


Uživatelská hlášení se objevují v editoru při ukládání trasy (viz níže).

Editace mapy

Pokud nejste Area Manager, můžete editovat mapy podle své editorské úrovně do 1 míle (1,6 km) od místa, kde jste projeli. Povolení upravovat své nové trasy nedostane editor ihned. Může to trvat od několika hodin po několik dní.


When you travel with the Waze client app enabled, your route is recorded and can be viewed in the Waze Map Editor. It can take as long as 3 days for your routes to appear. Substantially longer times may occur when Waze is dealing with more urgent problems, and sometimes it can appear just a few hours (or even a few minutes).

If you go to the Waze Map Editor page you will see a Drives tab in the upper left. Select the entry you want to see displayed on the editor map to view the route and see any road segments that you created so you can get them verified.

New roads

If you record (pave) a new road it will first appear as a red line on your client device. It will not be visible in Waze Map Editor (WME) as a new road until about the same time it appears as a recent route on the Drives tab (sometimes a few hours to a full day). The red line roads will disappear from your client device after a week at most.

After roads are confirmed in WME, it takes a few days for the routing server to fully update to reflect the changes. So you can see new roads, and navigate to them by choosing them as a destination, but you may not find them as a location. Routing may not be optimal (or may fail), until the routing server processes the new changes.


When your client device connects to Waze it retrieves your current points from the Waze points table. As you gain points while driving, your client device updates your points, and tries to send them to the Waze server. The Waze server holds these updates and adds them to the points table once a day.

Your client device will estimate how many points you earn, but may give you points that you shouldn't receive. For example, you may earn points by road-munching an unconfirmed road, but in fact someone else drove it an hour earlier. The Waze server will sort that out, and the points your phone gave you provisionally will disappear when you get an update from the server.

If you restart Waze it will download the current points from the Waze points table again, without the updates. It will appear as though your points have been lost. New points will continue to be added. At the end of the day, the Waze server will process all the points updates and your total will be as it should.

Munching roads

Even after your route can be viewed in the Waze Map Editor, an unconfirmed road you have driven over may still appear as a pacman-road. It is usually 2 days, but can be up to a week, before the road on your client map will lose the dots with the status of a confirmed road. This is due to Waze wanting multiple data points for this road.

Loss of information

There are reports of permanent losses of points, missing road updates, and missing routes. Many of these are resolved by the passage of time.

There have been users that actually had some genuine losses, but these instances are uncommon and getting less and less often as Waze continues to develop and grow.

City names and boundaries

In Waze Map Editor you can see faint gray areas marking the boundaries of a city. These areas are calculated automatically from the position of roads labelled with those cities. These boundaries are updated within a couple of days of the Live Map being updated. The city name will appear at a point central to all these roads. When a city is first being mapped, and roads leading to the city have the city name, the placement of the city name will not be accurate and will even move as you change your location and zoom level. This becomes fixed as more roads, closer together, are given the city name.

If you are editing the roads for a new city, you will need to have at least 20 streets with the city name, before the city name will appear. You can expect a few days delay between seeing the street names appear on the map and your city name appearing.

Automatic road updates by Waze

With enough wazers driving along a route, Waze will automatically learn and apply corrections, but only for roads that have not yet been edited by a map editor. Through this process the road layouts will improve, roads will change from two-way to one-way or from one-way to two-way, and Waze will learn what turns are permitted at junctions.

But to avoid errors due to inaccurate GPS measurements (especially in cities), and a few incidents of driver error (illegal turns or going the wrong way down a one-way street), Waze is conservative and requires a large number of accurate driving tracks before making a change. Between 20 and 100 trips accurately recorded seem to be enough to trigger Waze to make an automatic update to the roads.

When the Waze servers find something on the map that should be adjusted, but it is blocked because the item has already been edited by a map editor, it will send a map problem alert.

So the more wazers, the faster this will happen.