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Version du 30 mars 2015 à 12:51


There are many aspects of editing related to an editors rank and permissions that will control what can be changed on the map and how editors after them will be affected. Be sure to understand this information to be best prepared when editing the map.

Rank clarification

There are many ranking systems in Waze. Each one is used for a different purpose. See this other page for more detailed information on the other ranking systems. The below information is only covering Editing Rank.

Rank comparisons

This is global content, for USA specific rules see here.

Editing rank/Rank comparisons Many editors will include an image of their editing rank in their signature line. A number of editing rank images have been saved in the Wiki for your easy link access.

Editing permissions

A detailed description of locked segments and how they are controlled can be found at the Editing restrictions page.
