검색 결과

고급 검색

다음 이름공간에서 검색:

  • 행정구역의 작성 한글 우선으로 작성. 영문명은 대안 주소 추가(Add Alternative Address)를 사용하여 작성. 이미지 참조. 작성 시 네이버의 영문주소 검색으로 확인 후 작성해 주십시오. 구글에서는 Daegu / Daegu-si...
    14 KB (8 단어) - 2023년 12월 20일 (수) 03:55
  • oldest first Display information about issue location: at least city and address What is the UR type: Blocked road? These reports are generated by Waze users
    describes the pin (evacuation center, emergency shelter, donation center, etc). Address: The street name and building number of the Crisis Shelter. Often, this
    - a place for translators to talk to each other or raise questions. To address a specific user write @username for example: @miked01 It’s also possible
    phase, here are the elements that will be supported: Edit Segment Update address Street, City Suggest from an existent state and/or country. Update attributes
    your online visibility over all the platforms! Use copywriting techniques. Address your audience directly. Use snappy, witty, or intriguing hooks to begin