Motorcycling Geschiedenis weergeven

Versie door Kamonu (overleg | bijdragen) op 16 okt 2021 om 09:50 (Nieuwe pagina aangemaakt met 'Often C06 is wrongly seen as C02, see the [Restrictions|restrictions page]. Road authorities also often use bollards to interrupt a through route and these so-calle...')
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One of the three vehicle types that can be selected within the app is the motorcycle. Although there are many types of motorcycles, including variants with three wheels, we in the Dutch Waze community adhere to the guidelines that the government has drawn up for vehicles. According to the Dutch legislator (provided a vehicle has several front wheels) two front wheels are considered one wheel if they are <465mm apart. Therefore, trikes, the Can-Am and most three-wheeled motorcycles do NOT fall under the Waze "motorcycles" category, and users of these vehicles should opt for the "car" vehicle type.

Andere voordelen het gebruik van dit voertuigtype als Waze navigatie is dat de routing engine rekening houdt met het zogenaamd 'filteren'. Bij filevorming zullen auto's sneller een nieuwe route krijgen dan motoren omdat zij tussen of langs de file kunnen rijden.
Verder zijn er een aantal specifieke borden die veel impact hebben voor motorrijders. Zo zijn er de borden: C01, C06, C11, G07/G11 en G07 t/m G14 (of het ontbreken daarvan) die voor het correct bewerken van de kaart ten behoeve van de motornavigatie zeer veel impact hebben.

Often C06 is wrongly seen as C02, see the [Restrictions|restrictions page]. Road authorities also often use bollards to interrupt a through route and these so-called 'clips' are also placed on the map in this way, while these clips without adding the corresponding signs [C01, C06, C11, G07/G11, G07 to G14] may be passed by motorcyclists, and should therefore be put on the map as such.

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