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Er zijn 2 vertalingen gevonden.

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 g Engels (en)==Highway Service Area==
[[File:Rest-area-nl.png|300px|right|example rest area]]
<b>Rest area place</b><br />
A <i>service area</i> is a rest area along the [[Freeway|highway]] with often a [[Gas Station Place|gas station]], an [[Charging Station Place|electric charging facility]], restaurant or a hotel. The rest area [[Places#Area_Places|area place]] - mapped separately - encompasses all these facilities. It starts with the entrance segment and ends with the exit segment, both [[Parking Lot Road|Parking lot roads]].<br />
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In the Netherlands these service areas are connected only with the highway, without connections to local roads. 
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 g Nederlands (nl)==Highway Service Area==
[[File:Rest-area-nl.png|300px|right|example rest area]]
<b>Rest area place</b><br />
A <i>service area</i> is a rest area along the [[Freeway|highway]] with often a [[Gas Station Place|gas station]], an [[Charging Station Place|electric charging facility]], restaurant or a hotel. The rest area [[Places#Area_Places|area place]] - mapped separately - encompasses all these facilities. It starts with the entrance segment and ends with the exit segment, both [[Parking Lot Road|Parking lot roads]].<br />
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In the Netherlands these service areas are connected only with the highway, without connections to local roads. 
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