Alle vertalingen

Voer de naam van een bericht in om alle beschikbare vertalingen weer te geven.


Er zijn 2 vertalingen gevonden.

NaamHuidige inhoud
 g Engels (en)<small>Possibly you have to ask for assistance when connecting a new street to a locked (primary) street.</small><br />
<br />
'''Updating streets'''<br />
Some streets are not yet fully defined, in other streets new developments are going on. It is important to keep the information up-to-date.
* Add missing [[Speed limit|speed limits]], or correct changed speed limits. Nice tool for this sort of work is the [[WME Toolbox|Toolbox]]
* Add missing [[house numbers]], or if old houses are replaced with something else, correct earlier added house numbers. Use also for this type of work the [[WME Toolbox|Toolbox]].
* Sometime a street changes from 2-way to one-way vice versa.
* Connect [[Walking trail|walking trails]] and [[Pedestrian Boardwalk|pedestrian boardwalks]] to the regular streets if not already done so.<br />
<br />
'''Cameras'''<br />
Check the read light and speed [[Camera|cameras]] in your neighboorhood.
 g Nederlands (nl)<small>Possibly you have to ask for assistance when connecting a new street to a locked (primary) street.</small><br />
<br />
'''Updating streets'''<br />
Some streets are not yet fully defined, in other streets new developments are going on. It is important to keep the information up-to-date.
* Add missing [[Speed limit|speed limits]], or correct changed speed limits. Nice tool for this sort of work is the [[WME Toolbox|Toolbox]]
* Add missing [[house numbers]], or if old houses are replaced with something else, correct earlier added house numbers. Use also for this type of work the [[WME Toolbox|Toolbox]].
* Sometime a street changes from 2-way to one-way vice versa.
* Connect [[Walking trail|walking trails]] and [[Pedestrian Boardwalk|pedestrian boardwalks]] to the regular streets if not already done so.<br />
<br />
'''Cameras'''<br />
Check the read light and speed [[Camera|cameras]] in your neighboorhood.