Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Discussion View history

Welcome to the Waze Wiki FAQ. This FAQ is user-maintained and designed to supplement the official and technical FAQs:.

How about OpenStreetMap?

Q: OpenStreeMap has extensive map data, licensed under the Creative Commons license. Why doesn't Waze use this data? Isn't it a waste of effort to rebuild all map data from scratch?

A: The business model that Waze plans to use involves keeping Waze free by selling map and traffic data[1]. The CC license used by OSM does not allow this. Waze is currently looking at a collaboration solution[2]. In the meantime, US TIGER data has been imported[3].

Integration with Trapster?

Waze has attempted to open a discussion with Trapster, but Trapster has shown less interest so far[4].

How about Google's crowdsourced traffic?

Please see this forum post.

The editor doesn't work in Internet Explorer

That's correct, waze does not support IE, try using Firefox or Chrome or Safari