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  • GeekySmurf can be reached by private message.
    Matches both one-way and unknown directions segments. Template: ${direction} RegEx: !/3/ Matches any segment with no name and type set to Street, Primary
    This table is a customization of the Road Types table with the colors and classifications used by LaDOTD on its Highway Functional Classification Map.
    Hello, thank you for your report. I need a bit more info to resolve the issue you experienced. Can you give me some extra details on the error you had
    GeekySmurf can be reached by private message.
    Matches both one-way and unknown directions segments. Template: ${direction} RegEx: !/3/ Matches any segment with no name and type set to Street, Primary
    This table is a customization of the Road Types table with the colors and classifications used by LaDOTD on its Highway Functional Classification Map.
    Hello, thank you for your report. I need a bit more info to resolve the issue you experienced. Can you give me some extra details on the error you had