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  • defined. It may be a fully spelled out term, an alias, or an acronym. Column B Fully spelled out terms will list the typical alias or acronym. If the term
  • going east-west (TCH Hwy 1 & TCH Hwy 16), and one or two major routes going north-south (BC 5, 97/97C; AB 2). As most of these routes pass through cities,
    without defining context. Many terms apply globally, however, this glossary is North American English centric. The descriptions within this Glossary attempt to
    without defining context. Many terms apply globally, however, this glossary is North American English centric. The descriptions within this Glossary attempt to
    defined. It may be a fully spelled out term, an alias or an acronym. Column B Fully spelled out terms will list the typical alias or acronym. If the term
    going east-west (TCH Hwy 1 & TCH Hwy 16), and one or two major routes going north-south (BC 5, 97/97C; AB 2). As most of these routes pass through cities,
    without defining context. Many terms apply globally, however, this glossary is North American English centric. The descriptions within this Glossary attempt to
    without defining context. Many terms apply globally, however, this glossary is North American English centric. The descriptions within this Glossary attempt to
    defined. It may be a fully spelled out term, an alias or an acronym. Column B Fully spelled out terms will list the typical alias or acronym. If the term