Locking Policy View history

Revision as of 13:42, 15 September 2013 by Iainhouse (talk | contribs) (clarifying roads not matching aerials situation)

Preamble - to be added when posting in the forum

As we are all aware, the Editor locking system has gone through some changes in the last year. Area Managers have lost full access to their entire AM area. Many segments were automatically locked to the level of the last editor before we got the ability to control lock level. Some editors have been, perhaps, rather more zealous with locking than is necessary.

As a result, we have decided to create a policy to specify the maximum locking levels for different road types in the UK. This will help to give back some control to the AMs, whilst making sure that important routes are appropriately protected.

We know that Waze are working on a system of "road ranking" - where segments will be automatically locked at a level based on how "busy" or "important" the system thinks they are. Whilst this is undergoing testing, we don't know how the final version will work or what impact it will have. If this does come in, we will no doubt have to revisit this subject.


This policy is not intended as a guide to whether or not a segment should be locked. That should always be an informed decision made by an editor based on circumstances such as whether a road is "complete". This policy is a guide for the MAXIMUM locking level to be used for the convenience of the community, plus some notes about when not to lock:

  • You should not normally be locking segments unless they are complete:
    • Segments aligned to aerials (but see Roads Not Matching Aerials below)
    • Junction geometry adjusted for proper navigation instructions
    • Turn restrictions set correctly
    • Road type set correctly
  • You should not lock segments unless you are regularly visiting the forums to deal with unlock requests
  • If you lock segments, your name will be recorded on them and you will generally be considered responsible for their state

Any editor found mass-editing lock levels simply because this policy suggests a maximum lock level is likely to face reduction of editor rank and/or removal of AM/CM rights.

Freeways (UK Motorways)

Freeways should be locked to L5, including their associated ramps & junctions. They are primary routes that should all be correct by now and need to be protected to keep major routing working.

Major Highways (UK Trunk Roads)

Major highways should not normally be locked above level 4. This will allow CMs, plus senior AMs to make necessary changes.

Minor Highways (A Roads)

A roads should not normally be locked above level 3. Complex junctions or particularly important sections may be locked by a local, active AM/CM if considered strictly necessary.

Primary Streets

Only primary streets that are actually B roads should need to be locked - and these should not be locked above L3.

Roads Not Matching Aerials

With the change to Google aerial imagery (which seems to be much older for most of the UK), there will probably be more situations where the current road layout doesn't match the images. It is advisable that these are locked at L5, to prevent well-meaning editors "correcting" them.

"Unexpected" Junctions

These are odd situations that occur sometimes: a no-right-turn where you wouldn't expect one; a short one-way segment at the end of a two-way road; a deliberate no-name segment joining double-mini roundabouts. If you think that a feature is likely to be reverted by someone who doesn't know what was intended, it is acceptable to lock it.


If an area is subject to repeated bad edits, it may be locked up. This should only be done after discussion with the community and the approval of the UK Country Administrators (who may want to take further action).

Toll Segments

These should be locked to L5 to prevent interference.

Level 6 Locks

So far we have not identified any occasions where we really need to use L6 locks. We don't have so many L5 editors that we can't all keep track of what's going on, so we hope not to need it. But, if you have a situation that you feel needs a L6 lock, please post on the forum for discussion.

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland is a special case: there was no basemap import, the aerial images have always been very poor and there aren't many high-level editors. Assistance from the Mainland UK is always appreciated, but mainland editors should not lock anything above L3.