Verrouillage View history

Revision as of 16:04, 6 June 2020 by Tunisiano18 (talk | contribs)

We are currently updating the pages to include all regionally different guidelines. If you find inconsistencies, please refer to the English page. Thank you!
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Tous les types de routes et Points d'intérêts ont des niveaux de verrouillage spécifiques.

Dépendant de l'importance d'une route, elle sera utilisée par plus de Wazers. Une erreur d'édition aura un impact plus important et peut causer des réactions bizarres au niveau routage. Afin de prévenir des situations inattendues certaines routes sont vérouillées à un certain niveau dans l éditeur Waze


  • If your own level isn't high enough, you can lock on your max level, and/or you can ask for help.
  • If the aerials or Streetview deviates from the real situation, it is OK to lock 1 level higher, as a special notice.
  • Complex situations can be secured by a higher level-lock.
  • Segments subject of roadworks can be locked 1 level higher, as a special notice.
  • Segments with a time-based restriction, should be locked on level 3.

If an object is locked on a higher level than the default level, it is often for some good reason: ask the editor who did the last changes on the object before modify this object.

The lock level corresponds with the editor level. Editors can modify things upto their own editor level. If you want to edit a segment which is locked higher than your level, you can request an unlock via the #editing Slack channel of the country. When requesting an unlock, report the City, current level and the reason for the request and a Permalink to the subjected segments you want to have unlocked.

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