Translations:Place categories/3/en View history

Car Services link to this section

Sub-category Description Naming Lock ≥ *
Gas Stations Always map as an Area of more than 500m2!

Use the Brand and official name. If there is a locally different name in use, put it in alternative name field.
{ picto} + {Brand} + {Name}, e.g.,
Main name: ⛽️ Shell VanPé (this name can be found on the brand's website)
Alternative: ⛽️ Shell Nandrain (locality name if different from the official name)
Garage / Automotive Shop Technical inspection, Tire center, Independent garage, Body Shop. Official brand, choose dealer {Brand} + {Name}
Car Wash {Name}
Charging Stations Essent 20kW (2) {Provider} + {MaxPower} + ({Amount}) 3

* If the place needs to be protected, a higher lock level can be applied. See the Regional Guidelines for details