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Closure procedures

What is the best place to enter Real Time Closures? In the WME or via Wegstatus? Below you find some guidelines.

You can enter Closures in Wegstatus manually and Wegstatus also uses closure information from various other sources like the NDW (the Nationale Databank Wegverkeergegevens). This includes data from SPIN (Rijkswaterstaat) and VCNL (RVM network), Andes LTC (Municipalities and provinces) and Melvin (Municipalities and provinces).

Pro's and con's

  • Advantage of adding the closure data via Wegstatus: the closure is as up-to-date as possible. Roadwork updates have immediate effect on the closure.
  • Possible downside of adding the closure data via Wegstatus: Sometimes the source data is removed to be added via a new report later on. The closure is marked completed in Wegstatus after the deletion. This issue will be solved at end 2020.

Closures on national roads

As a standard National road closures are not entered in advance. When a road closes we get a report in the #feed-wegafsluitingen channel.
National roads, are those roads that are maintained by Rijkswaterstaat. See also RWS Wegenoverzicht.


  • Ramps are not closed if they are part of a bigger route closure.
  • No short closures are entered for mowing activities.
  • Closures of parallel roads along National roads, like for instance the A4 at Schiphol, A2 at Utrecht, are not send to #feed-wegafsluitingen (except if both the main as parallel roads are closed).

Closures on provincial roads

Closures on provincial roads are entered via the road works option in Wegstatus. The reason for this: provinces often use Actueel melden. This means that they can close roads automated, more early or at a later time. Wegstatus uses these updates.

Closures on municipal roads

Closures on municipal roads: entering the closure details can be done in Wegstatus, but also via the WME.
Advantage of entering via Wegstatus: when municipalities enter their closures in Melvin, possible changes are automatically updated in Wegstatus.

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