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Road Shield

The Road Shield function consists of two parts:

Road Shield information is maintainable from level L4

Road shields and roads

We only add road shields to segments with a road number. (A, N, S and R roads)
To add a road shield, the segment must have a name.

  1. Select the segment
  2. Click Add Road Shield in the left panel
  3. Click on Select road shield.
  4. Choose the correct shield from the drop down menu. Here you only see the relevant shields.
  5. Text road shield is given the road number, for example A12, N795, S111.


  • Only one road shield can be associated with a segment's address field.
  • Do not remove the road number from the street name because then you will change the road shield for all segments with the same new name.
  • The shield applies to all segments with the same segment and place name.
  • For the time being, we are not removing the road number from the name of the road. This only becomes possible when the alternative name is included to distinguish the street ID for the Road Shield.

Road Shields and Custom Turn Instructions

If there is a road shield on the sign of the exit, we add this road shield to the visual instructions at this exit.


The Road shield rules for E-roads are:

  • Only add an E shield at the navigation if the shield is on the main board. If the E number is stated on an overhead sign, it is not included.
  • Record in the order in which they are indicated on the signs. Usually the practice is: A number for E number, but there are exceptions.
  • An E number is not included in the TTS.

And further

  • We use capital letters for the S, N, R road numbers, even if this is not (yet) stated on the signs. (Capital letters are the new standard)
  • When roads are double numbered (e.g. S106/S122 Erasmus Bridge or A4/A58), the second road number is added as an alternative street name with road sign. This is just not shown on the map. We simply add this in the Wegschild TTS.
  • If the sign shows a place name followed by a road number in brackets - for example Amsterdam (A4) - do not add this road number to the visual and spoken directions. If the road number is stated without brackets, please indicate the road number.

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