BAG: verschil tussen versies Geschiedenis weergeven

kGeen bewerkingssamenvatting
kGeen bewerkingssamenvatting
Regel 10: Regel 10:
* After selecting a house, address information is shown.
* After selecting a house, address information is shown.

Remark: Don't use the BAG map for mapping roads. Only for assigning house numbers.
Remark: Don't use the BAG map for mapping or naming roads. Only for assigning house numbers.


Versie van 11 mrt 2018 15:48

Andere talen:


  • BAG stands for "Basisregistratie adressen en gebouwen".
  • Information on all Dutch houses - streets and house numbers.
  • Available via the BAG viewer:
  • After selecting a house, address information is shown.

Remark: Don't use the BAG map for mapping or naming roads. Only for assigning house numbers.


This information can be used to add house numbers by adding the BAG map overlay via the OpenMap script.


  1. Install OpenMaps script (if not already done)
  2. WME left hand side area: click on the tab identified with
  3. Select a map to add: BAG
  4. Zoom in to level 5 or more and the information from BAG (houses pictured grey with yellow dots) is displayed.
  5. Display on another browser window the BAG viewer:
  6. Use the information from the BAG viewer to add house numbers; add the house numbers on they yellow dots.

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